Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Two viewpoints of an article


Person struck by Metro train near Rockville stop
A person was struck Tuesday morning by a Metro train near the Rockville station.
The incident happened just after 5 a.m. and caused several hours of train delays. Some passengers were kept on the train for a while for their safety, Metro officials said.

Metro Passengers Delayed by Entitlement Again
On Tuesday at 5 a.m. Metro trains were halted as a pedestrian illegally broke through fences blocking off Metro-owned property in a non-crossing zone.
Trains were delayed several hours with passengers held in the cars as the man was recovered from underneath the metro car. Similar incidents have occurred at least once a month since December.

While the original seemed to focus on the humans who were struck by the trains as a result of their own actions of trying to cross active metro lines because they for some reason or another don’t want to go around. This is not only dangerous for the individuals crossing, if the metro was derailed from the impact somehow, the whole car could be at risk.

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